Top Three Books for 2008!

21 02 2009

Here are my top three books for 2008!  Comment on them and tell me yours.

stott1 Evangelical Truth: A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity, and Faithfulness by John Stott

It is possible that it may end up on my “Great Books” page which would make Stott the only person to have two books there (the one presently on the page is Stott’s The Cross of Christ).  This book is a prophetic call for the church of Christ to take seriously the kingdom work of God, reject modern fundamentalism’s tendency to fragment from and demonize those who disagree with them on “non essentials”, and embrace a more evangelical mindset that is mission focused.

mygrandfathersson_440x668 My Grandfather’s Son by Clarence Thomas

Post modernity will read this book and shake their heads at the “cruel and strange” approach Thomas’ grandfather used in raising his grandsons.  I read it and long for a time when common sense ruled, hard work was rewarded, and adults were allowed the freedom to raise children into great men and women who think for themselves.  Today, elites will call Thomas’ grandfather abusive.  Clarence Thomas, from his seat on the Supreme Court, calls him the “greatest man I have ever known.”  

I love this quote by Thomas’ grandfather: “Old man can’t done up and died.  I know, cause I was there when it happened.”

miller A Faith Worth Sharing: A Lifetime of Conversations about Christ by C. John Miller

The best book on evangelism which I have read in a long time.  If your tired of “sale approaches” and “techniques” this book gently and clearly reveals the truth of the matter when it comes to sharing our faith – Its about the heart of the one who shares.